Here To Help You Exceed Expectations
At Hixwood, we care about your customers’ satisfaction as much as you do. That’s why you can count on us to go the extra mile and make sure you get the exact materials you need in a timely manner.
Our massive inventory and on-site fabrication means we’re positioned perfectly to help you exceed expectations.

Post-Frame Buildings
We stand by all of the post-frame kits we sell. Browse our gallery of designs to find the right package that will meet your client’s needs.

Our roofing materials look great, are Energy Star certified, and have sufficient strength and durability to withstand whatever weather comes your way.

Custom Trim
We know how much custom trim can enhance the curb appeal of your finished project—and increase customer satisfaction.

Hardware & Accessories
We can either fabricate accessories in-house or source the right products to put the perfect finishing touches on your project.
Why Hixwood?
Getting your project done right—and done on time—is important to you. It’s important to us, too. See why Hixwood is the preferred partner of contractors and individual builders alike.